But i'm single. And, thus, Valentine's day is pointless. I'm not bitter at all. In fact, i'm single for a reason. Yeah, I know it sounds like i'm just saying that because I can't get a girl. That might be true. i don't know. Part of it is is the fact that i'm too naive or dumb when it comes to girls to notice if they're into me. And if I think a girl's attractive I get all shy and embarrassed. It's pretty ridiculous.
So, possibly because of my incredible inaptitude at the whole "dating" thing, and partly because I really do have strong beliefs on the subject, I am purposefully single. Now there are people in my life who seem to be very concerned about me being single. In fact, despite the fact that I am only nineteen, I sometimes feel incredibly pressured to get married, like, tomorrow. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BIG DEAL IS!
I'm pretty sure that when God thinks i'm ready for a wife, a girl will come along and I will know without a doubt that she is the one. Maybe that's me being lazy, but that's what I think. And right now- I am TOTALLY not ready to give myself in a relationship! I am still figuring out who I am, and if I entered a relationship now, I would end up basing who I am off of who my girlfriend says I am. Being single, I have the unique opportunity to let God work on me without worrying about a complicated relationship. And I have the unique opportunity to focus on school, friends, and especially ministry. I can completely pour myself into students without worrying about leaving time for my lady.
And maybe these are all cop out answers to avoid the fact that I am simply too immature for a real relationship. Maybe. But I like to think that I am simply saving myself, improving myself, getting closer and closer to God and His heart, so that by the time the right girl comes along, I will be able to take care of her, and lead her in a Christ- centered relationship. College is a training ground for a lot of things. A serious relationship is one of them.
Good post Jon.... i think your understanding of where you are shows your maturity.