Monday, February 14, 2011

What i've learned: Being single :)

It's Valentine's day! I hope all you lucky guys and gals who have a significant other make the most of this day to do all the cheesy romantic junk that couples do. Buy her flowers and chocolates, call her "sweety sugar pie hunny buns", y'know, junk like that. I think it's great. I love the idea that this day is set aside for couples to focus solely on each other. It's something special when people's whole worlds consist of one person, when they only need that one person to be happy.

But i'm single. And, thus, Valentine's day is pointless. I'm not bitter at all. In fact, i'm single for a reason. Yeah, I know it sounds like i'm just saying that because I can't get a girl. That might be true. i don't know. Part of it is is the fact that i'm too naive or dumb when it comes to girls to notice if they're into me. And if I think a girl's attractive I get all shy and embarrassed. It's pretty ridiculous.
So, possibly because of my incredible inaptitude at the whole "dating" thing, and partly because I really do have strong beliefs on the subject, I am purposefully single. Now there are people in my life who seem to be very concerned about me being single. In fact, despite the fact that I am only nineteen, I sometimes feel incredibly pressured to get married, like, tomorrow. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BIG DEAL IS!
I'm pretty sure that when God thinks i'm ready for a wife, a girl will come along and I will know without a doubt that she is the one. Maybe that's me being lazy, but that's what I think. And right now- I am TOTALLY not ready to give myself in a relationship! I am still figuring out who I am, and if I entered a relationship now, I would end up basing who I am off of who my girlfriend says I am. Being single, I have the unique opportunity to let God work on me without worrying about a complicated relationship. And I have the unique opportunity to focus on school, friends, and especially ministry. I can completely pour myself into students without worrying about leaving time for my lady.
And maybe these are all cop out answers to avoid the fact that I am simply too immature for a real relationship. Maybe. But I like to think that I am simply saving myself, improving myself, getting closer and closer to God and His heart, so that by the time the right girl comes along, I will be able to take care of her, and lead her in a Christ- centered relationship. College is a training ground for a lot of things. A serious relationship is one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Jon.... i think your understanding of where you are shows your maturity.
