Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What i've learned: Transitions are scary.... but good

This took FOREVER to be able to write.... stupid blog site being all difficult.

Tonight was a bitter sweet night for me. Bitter, because it's no longer my youth pastor who's in charge. It was bizarre knowing that he's really, REALLY, not running the show anymore. I still got to see him today, and hang out with his awesome kids, so thats nifty.
It was sweet because tonight still rocked. I love the students at my church. They are so freakin great. I love knowing their stories, seeing their ups, being there for the downs. I love to see what God's love can do in these kids. Ugh, SO GREAT. But I digress, because the youth post will come later. Today is about toughing out transitions.

I''m really sorry for talking about the whole "youth pastor switch" thing as much as I do, but it's a big deal for me. Tonight really kind of made it real again, but in a great way.
You see, when I found out Jeff was leaving, I had half a mind to follow him. I don't really remember why, but these doubts about whether or not I belonged at Oakhills started poppin in my head. I never really talked about them, because I didn't want my students to worry I was leaving, but they were definitely there. Fusion wasn't going to be a "home" anymore, just a place I volunteered, and, to be honest, a place I felt I had gotten all that I could out of. If a good opportunity would have come up, I would have bailed ship without a doubt.
Yeesh, I hate how that sounds.

But I didn't, I stuck around. I figured I should give this "pastor Roy" a chance. Honestly, because I wanted to make sure that Fusion would be ok. Haha- like I have the authority or need to watch over it. And it's been good. Somehow, these last couple of months I have gotten so much out of this whole transition process. I had my time to grieve, but at the same time I got to see Roy become a great leader, and Jeff kinda just.... fade out.

And tonight was really beautiful. Because that transition is pretty much complete, and Fusion's still standing. Roy did an awesome job tonight. He owned it. The kid's love him. I love him. I love his heart, I love his vision. I love the amazing relationships he has already made with students. So for now, i'm more than content with following and trusting his leadership. I can learn a lot from that guy.
He and Elissa (his wife) are no Jeff and Tiff- they are so incredibly DIFFERENT, and I absolutely love it. They are going to impact so many students, and i'm excited to be a part of that.

So here's what i've learned: transitions are SCARY, but in the end, they usually end up being perfect. At least this one did.

(And if Roy or Elissa read this, don't ever say i'm insulting again. I just dedicated a whole post to you, and only said very nice, AND TRUE, things. Love ya guys.)

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