Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What i've learned: This too shall pass

Today could have been a terrible day. Ya see, finances are tiiiight, and certain people are frustrating me greatly about it.

But today turned out to be great.

And I really don't have a good reason for it, except that I realized that in a month or two everything I am worried about will be gone.
It's funny, isn't it, how today's worries seem so BIG and pressing, but in reality it's hardly ever a big deal.

This too shall pass.

In the Bible, in Matthew somewhere (Yes, I am too lazy to look up where) Jesus talks about how we should just worry about today, because each day has enough worries for itself. And while I don't take that to mean that we should never ever think of the future, I take it to mean that we should look at the future with expectant hope- that the future must, eventually, get better. God kind of promises that when all is said and done, He wins, and we enter into peace. So why worry about always having enough money, or if you are making the right decisions for your future, or whether or not you are making everyone happy?

God wins. It's done.

So just worry about today. Let God worry about the rest. Ha, that's what i'm going to try to do. Do my best, and let God do the rest.


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