Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Random Rant: stuck in the middle of conflict

Serious random question of the day: What do you do when a leader has unknowlingly hurt someone, that person tells you they've been hurt, but they don't want the leader to know? Kinda puts you in a pickle, huh? On one hand, the leader should know so the problem doesn't later affect his ministry, but on the other hand, you need to respect the privacy of the person who told you..... SHOOT!

I hate when leadership problems arise, and you're in the middle of them. There is no easy way to deal with it. i mean, obviously you could just stay out of the problem, but what if the problem just punches you in the face?

maybe a better way to handle them is with honesty. Maybe you can just throw you're hands in the air and say, "Hey, let's not keep this in the dark, everyone makes mistakes, let's talk about it and get to the bottom of everything."

Maybe it's important to deal with the core issue. The person could be having negative feelings on a new leader because they are comparing them to an old one. That's not fair to the new one at all, is it? How do you deal with these feelings? In a ministry, which is not as formal as a business, the person could have had strong bonds with the old leader that are not there in the new leader. That's understandably difficult. But how do you validate the person's loyalty to their former leader without causing disloyalty or conflict with the new one? NO CLUE!

That's my random rant. It wasn't about me this time, so that's nifty.

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