Monday, February 7, 2011

What i've learned: Fight loneliness!

Sometimes I think that we are like mirrors, reflecting God to each other.
In the way we love, the way we forgive,
when we give selflessly, when we bring joy to each other.
And that's why I think, that when we are alone,
and we can only reflect ourselves to... well, us-
I think that is the worst, because so often the darkness in us
is so much easier to see than the light.

This post is about loneliness. Not the good, purposeful kind, where a man goes out by himself to spend time with God. I mean the bad kind, the soul- sucking kind. The kind that the devil uses to trick us into thinking that we are worth nothing.
It sucks, doesn't it, when we feel like we have no where to go, no one to be with, and we just sit and think about how no one cares, how only we understand our pain. It's so pathetic, and it's such a lie.
Humanity was made for community, was made to build each other up, to magnify God's purpose in each other's lives. I think the devil's greatest threat is to make us believe that we are not a part of that community, and that we don't belong.
In C.S. Lewis's Great Divorce- my favorite book by the way- he describes Hell as a place where everyone keeps pushing away from each other. It is an ever increasing expanse where people keep moving farther and farther apart, until they forget that anyone else is around.
Indeed, being alone in body and soul is Hell. I've been there- I mean, we've all had those moments when we feel incredibly lonely. The key is is to not believe the lie. There are people all around us who love us and want us to be a part of their lives. There is a God who is ALWAYS with us. And when we are feeling lonely, it is our job to reach out to them, because we can't always count on them to reach in.
Guys, loneliness SUCKS, its incredibly painful. Just know you don't have to be alone. When you feel lonely, call someone, pray, do something. Don't let it overcome you. You can call me, if you want. Ha, i'm not that wise, but I can at least listen.

I think that's what matters....


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