Friday, February 11, 2011

What I've Learned: Leadership

I was going to talk about trying to be a "man" tonight, but then I remembered what Donald Miller, one of my favorite authors said- Look in your shorts. If you have the proper equipment, God has already decided you are a man. No one can take that away from you.
So for all you guys, that's inspiring. Don't doubt your manhood.

Anyway, I decided to revise. I don't want to be a better man. I want to be a better leader. Leadership has become incredibly central to my life, and will only become more important as I get older. I used to think that people were born leaders, that you either had the necessary charisma or you didn't. I know thats not true now. There are certaintly people who are born with more natural leadership skills than others, but that will only get you so far. Here's the thing- I used to be the most quiet, awkward kid ever. I Couldn't hold a conversation to save my life. It was crazy. And then God did his whole "change everything" thing, and called me into ministry. Ministry means people. People I had to lead. WHAT THE JUNK GOD?
Man, I had to learn alot. I had to learn how to at least act confident in myself. I had to learn how to keep everyone in the groups attention (still working on that). I had to learn how to plan and organize- which does NOT come natural for me!
What i've been learning lately is how to keep my personal life separate from my ministry life, while still being honest. I have learned the hard way that its sometimes not prudent to put all of my problems on twitter and facebook- its actually terrible leadership lol. That's the idea behind this blog- I am going to say what I want here, and be as honest as possible. But i'm keeping it on this blog. I know that some youth group students read this- which is great! And I know that some of what I talk about is super personal. But the point is, I keep my problems here.
Y'know, I don't think about it much, but I really had a ton of good leadership teachers growing up. I don't think I have ever had a bad leader growing up. They've all taught me so much, and I appreciate it now more than ever. I have become very intentional about being a better leader lately, and I always think back to those who have lead me, and how they would have reacted in certain situations.
I'm still learning. There is no way to be a perfect leader, but it's the humility and ability to admit your weaknesses that counts. And I definitely am not dumb enough to deny my weaknesses.

I don't know- I could talk about leadership forever. This is just a taste of a taste. I'm sure I will talk about it again, and better- but thats enough for now. Also, someone recently asked if they could do a post on my blog. THATS SUCH A GREAT IDEA!! So if anyone else wants to do a post, just let me know! I would love to hear about what your learning! Especially if your a Fusion student! I would love for you guys to post! Yeah, i'm pretty excited.

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